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At GeoEnvironmental, we understand that healthy soil is the foundation of thriving ecosystems and sustainable agriculture. Our mission is to provide innovative biotic soil medium solutions that enhance soil quality and deliver the essential nutrients that nature often lacks. By enriching soil with organic matter and beneficial microbes, we enable better water retention, improved aeration, and enhanced plant growth. Join us in transforming the way we think about soil and cultivating a greener future for generations to come.

Biotic Soil Medium provides the benefits of a nutrient-rich compost in a concentrated, dry form. Biotic Soil Medium is easy to apply and replenishes the soil with a rich supply of stabilized organic matter and essential nutrients required for quality growth. Biotic Soil Medium provides a combination of plant nutrients, beneficial microbiology, and organic substances derived from biologically stable aerobic compost.


Transforms Non-Viable Earth into Sustainable Growth Media

GeoEarth —  Biotic Soil Media is engineered to provide a balanced formulation of decades long soil-building media that contributes to both healthy and prolonged vegetation establishment. It is a non-toxic formulation has been revolutionized using time-proven components from the horticultural and the plant science industry.


Improves and Sustains Soil Quality

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